I came across this wonderful short from the 70's, filmed and conceived by the documentarian Herz Frank. I did not know about Frank who died in 2013, until very recently. He came to my attention because of his controversial documentary about the assassin who murdered the late Israeli prime minister, Rabin. This link to a YouTube short, was one of the first that came up in Google when I searched his name. And it is remarkable. A nice juxtaposition between film and photo, It's also a study of facial expressions and how beautifully they reflect our emotions, especially with young children. It's mesmerizing to watch how we respond to stories, or in this case, how a very young person responds to it in the most visceral way - letting those emotions drift across their faces, changing completely from second to second. Just like the ebbs and flows of their impressionable minds. The film's name - Ten Minutes Older, captures this idea of accumulating experiences perfectly. This short only needs an updated sound track (or none at all).